Using Custom Film Simulations

One of my favorite things about using FujiFilm cameras is their built-in film simulations. Combined with the FujiXWeekly app, with seemingly endless custom film simulations, you can create old film-like results straight out of camera (SOOC). When I’m not doing professional-type work, and want to capture that in-the-moment snap, I’ve started moving more towards shooting in jpeg with these custom film sims. Actually, I use the jpeg+raw capture mode, just in case I want those raws to edit in Lightroom later. But 99% of the time, I’m using the jpeg right out of the camera with maybe some exposure adjustments.

One great thing about this SOOC jpeg approach is the consistent look across the photos. In my recent trip to Colorado, on a family vacation for the first time in over 10 years, I was using a “Portra” film simulation. I love the classic look of Portra for its warm look, its slightly faded colors, subtle grain, and it looks good when slightly overexposed. This worked perfect for a summertime trip to colorful Colorado, where I left my custom selection on Portra, and just focused on composition or in the moment photos. The results weren’t always perfect, but they have that “look” that will stand the test of time.


A Quest To Create Art


Shooting in JPEG and an ode to the X100V